The movie My name is Khan raised quite a stir in Egypt. A typical Indian film that spins around the traditional Hindi mixture based on provoking hot tears, prolongation, and a superman hero, who is by autism struck. The movie realized high watching in Egypt, but in America its global income did not exceed four million dollars, its last week as well was stuck at a three thousand dollars limit, both numbers are remarkably slim. However, with the usual logic of self-deception along with the moody and biased understanding of things, there have been newspapers articles and critics, hailing what is considered a non-paralleled propaganda the movie made for Muslims in the Western world seen as misjudging them and marring their behavior and beliefs.
Propaganda is successful when its promoted object receives a warm welcome from the targeted audience, which definitely is not the case in the West; theatre attendants, are in large numbers Egyptians, Arabs, and Indian residents of Arab countries, they wept dearly from the bottom of broken hearts tightly encapsulated inside worries, fears and unrest!! The film is technically weak despite the skillful performance of Shahrukh Khan, a superhero in its Indian version, the fabricated scenario main goal is tickling Muslims senses and surely their coins, it makes up tournaments that are not consistent with the potential of Mr. Khan, who persistently reiterates my name is Khan, I am not a terrorist. As usual, articles in the Arabic East are about the noble message the movie delivered and how it compares to degrading Egyptian movies, a surf on the orchestrated wave of attacks on Egyptian arts, they join with minute good faith.
In short, Egypt hosts everything, the good and the grubby, My name is Khan is not a reason to attack her and her arts, it is not a real propaganda for Muslims, on the contrary, it pays tribute to the West, who displayed it without a bit of censorship as common in the Muslim world. Indians cleverly won millions from Muslims sunken into self imagination.
The grade of the movie is 6 out of 10, at the most.